Monday, May 25, 2015

Python Classes

A short intro on classes in Python with code snippets and notes taken from the python docs

Class: a blue print for an instance
Instance: a constructed object of the class
Type: indicates the class the instance belongs to
Attribute: any object value : object.attribute
Method: a "callable attribute" defined in the class

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Flask pe Raspberry cu Postgres, nginx si uwsgi

Raspberry Arch Linux pe ARM. Install guide here

Se presupune ca sistemul e conectat la internet.

pacman -S nginx python2-virtualenv python-virtualenv uwsgi-plugin-python,uwsgi-plugin-python2 python2-setuptools python2-pip posgtresql bash-completion gcc pithon-pip vim htop atpo sudo nload minicom links tcpdump git tmux ntpd zsh


Am vrut sa am doua sisteme sa comunice prin switch pe vlan-uri separate.
Ar fi doua optiuni.

  1. SVI pe switch
  2. SVI pe linux.
Findca sw-ul nu este gbit  si raspberry la fel , ma lasa cu desktop-ul cu functia de router.
In sensul acesta trebuie sa facem in felul urmator:

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Keeping track of notes - notepad on steroids

You may like Zimwiki .

It's a wiki based program that's bare bones, but has the basics: font format, headers, bullet lists, number lists, to do boxes.

Friday, February 13, 2015